We never really had pets when we were children but one day my sister decided she’d like a rabbit. After much pestering, my parents caved in and bought her one.…
The Entrance Antiphon for today`s Mass sets the tone for our considerations for the day. It is from psalm 31 verses 3 and 4: Be my protector, O God, a…
Do you have any enemies? I suspect you think - pretty much as I do - that you don’t. There might be particular people in our lives we struggle to…
Well, we all like a nice song to begin the sermon and today’s choice is the Beatles’s All you need is love. The lyrics were hardly complicated or poetic: “All…
Love can quickly lead to tragedy. Think of the ending of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, where star-crossed lovers never quite get Cupid’s arrow to meet. The play ends with Romeo…