Preacher: Fr Morris | There are a whole host of things that we know exist but whose presence we cannot see. For example this building has the foundations holding us…
Preacher: Fr Morris | As I wonder round the parish I often try to say hello to people and not just those whom I know. I hope thereby to change…
Preacher: Patrick Neyman | To be honest, when I first sat down to think about this sermon I got myself into a bit of a tizzy. I think ‘tizzy’ is…
Preacher: Fr Morris | Fathers’ Day and Mothers’ Day can be emotionally difficult times because perhaps we remember with sadness those of our families who have died; or indeed we’re…
Preacher: Fr Beer | The word Pentecost simply means 50! That is to say it is the fiftieth day of Eastertide thus completing the Season of the Lord`s Resurrection and…