Preacher: Fr Morris | How do we know God loves us? Do you ever have doubts as to how much God loves you or indeed how much He loves other…
Preacher: Fr Morris | You may have heard it yourself, when someone says they’re spiritual but not religious or that they believe in God but don’t go to church. I…
Preacher: Fr Beer | We may be forgiven for questioning why today`s Gospel reading, on the Sunday after The Ascension and the seventh of Eastertide and we are looking forward…
Preacher: Fr Morris | Churches are funny communities, aren’t they? Funny in the sense that they show how fragile we all are because sometimes we can get upset about the…
Preacher: Fr Morris | Well, here’s something I never thought I’d sing from the pulpit, “Glory, glory Tottenham Hotspur!” And I only do this because I want to speak about…