Date(s) - 07/05/2019
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
St Mary's Church
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Tuesdays 8pm-9pm in the Vestry at the back of St Mary’s. The group runs for twenty one weeks but you can pop in for one or two of them if you want. We start on Tuesday 12th February and it runs through to 9th July with no class on 16th and 23rd April. Everyone can ask questions and the teaching will instruct us on what the book of Genesis is all about and how we can relate that to our own experience. Refreshments are provided.
The Book of Genesis is the first in the Bible, the word means “Beginning.” It looks at the world’s creation and its quick fall from grace. But then God began to show that He would not forsake His people, sending a covenant to Abraham, who was to the father of many nations. God’s calling of Jacob and Joseph reveals that God will not let us down.