Baptism makes someone a Christian and however old someone is when they are baptised God’s action doesn’t need to be repeated. Confirmation acts as the sealing of the baptismal gift and a renewal of the baptismal identity. In the Bible we see a prefiguring of Confirmation when Peter and John lay hands on the baptised and impart to them the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:14-17).
Here at St Mary’s and at the Good Shepherd, people need to be in school year 7 or above to be confirmed (there’s no upper age limit!). Individuals should have been attending Mass every Sunday for a year before they start the classes, which run for about three months before the Confirmation on a Sunday afternoon. The people are confirmed they will be baptised if they have not been baptised already and they will be admitted to Communion and thereby able to receive the Lord’s Body and Blood.
Confirmation Classes at St Mary’s began in September 2019 and Bp Jonathan is coming to confirm on Sunday 17th November at the 10am Mass. This will be followed by a Bring and Share Lunch in the Kemble Hall, to which everyone is invited to come. The Confirmation Mass is a brilliant opportunity to worship God with our bishop, to welcome the friends and families of the candidates, and to see God at work in the lives of individuals. Testimonies are usually given during the Mass. Do come along!