Dear brothers and sisters,
I hate writing about money but sometimes I have to. For many people the Corona Virus has caused many financial problems because of lack of work. For others it might have made no difference financially. Some people might even find they have more money than they did before because they have less opportunity to spend it. Unfortunately, our churches are affected by the Corona Virus in lots of ways and in a negative way financially and so I have to write to ask if you can afford to give to the parish to help us keep going. No one should feel they must give what they haven’t got.
The problem is threefold:
- first, now that there are no public Masses there is no income from those who usually give when they are in the Church building (about £3,000 a month);
- second, all of our hall users are not meeting and so we lose the income from them (about £2,600 a month);
- third, most of our expenditure stays the same. We save some money by turning the heating down and using fewer candles, but we’re still expected to give the same amount to the diocese, to cover administration costs, to insure and maintain our buildings.
A relationship with Jesus has always inspired people to give generously for the benefit of the Christian community (see, for example, St Barnabas in Acts 4:32-36). This builds on the Old Testament notion of giving back to God what we have received (I Chronicles 29:14). St Paul encouraged his followers to give according to their income (be it pension, wage or gift; see I Corinthians 16:2). The figure given in Genesis 14:18-20 is ten percent and this enters the Law of Moses in Leviticus 27:30-34.
The parish doesn’t need at this stage more than you were giving before the Pandemic but it does need at least what you were giving then. It maybe that you’re able to use this opportunity to reflect on what you do give to the Church financially and bring it better to align to that ten percent figure.
Our bank details are Barclays Bank, Sort Code 20-53-00, Account Number 90796212, St Mary’s Parochial Church Council (PCC). If you could give online or through telephone banking that would be a tremendous help. You could even decide that this is the best way to give and set up a standing order for the long term, which you can aways change if circumstances require it. Movement is restricted at the moment quite rightly as we fight the Corona Virus but some are popping envelops through the door of the Parish Office and this is welcome. We’re not sure we can bank cheques at the moment so apologies if we are slow at paying them in.
We’re trying to telephone, email and write to as many of you as possible. Apologies if we’ve not got through to you until now. Do make sure we have you’re up-to-date contact details, especially an email if you have one. Let me know on I’m also always happy to answer questions about the parish’s finances.
With many prayers and glad of your support,
Fr Morris